The Coalition to Improve Rhode Island Maternity Care is re-establishing its efforts to promote outstanding work around better maternal health care. We elevate the work of the Rhode Island Maternal Task Force, RI Community Perinatal Quality Collaborative, RI Kids Count, RI Birth, Urban Perinatal Education Center and other key stakeholders.
Our goals for this coalition:
Expand legislative related to Licensed Midwifery Insurance Expansion and Prescriptive Authority, Licensed Certified Lactation Counselor Insurance Coverage
Legislative action for at least 1 lobbying day
Develop communications and messaging materials to educate legislators and the public on initiatives
Educate the public through community building and supporting community voice op-eds.
Increase community participation through the Hear HER campaign, cesarean birth surveys, and expansion of community birth partners and other public events.
Create and promote a social media toolkit
Build out a forum for perinatal care experiences and opportunities of growth across sectors